A Climate Curriculum for Climate Action
This climate curriculum provides a framework of learning outcomes at primary level. By working on these learning outcomes, schools can ensure that they deliver the core essentials of what young people need to know by the time they move onto secondary education. The learning outcomes are not intended as an added extra to fit into an already packed school week but can be delivered through other subjects in a cross-curricular way. If your school covers these learning outcomes there’s a very good chance your pupils will leave school with not only a good and realistic grasp of the issues, but also with a critical awareness of the mindsets and actions that can enable them to help solve the challenges of the climate crisis and an attitude of hope that success is possible. This framework has been designed with end of Year 2,4 and 6 learning outcomes, rather than a learning outcome for each year. This allows for flexibility in their delivery between the Year Groups and is intended to make it easier for you to identify opportunities to teach them within existing curriculum topics.
The Toolkit that accompanies this Framework contains links to lessons and teaching resources that teachers in the partner schools have used to teach the learning outcomes. Our Guide gives an overview of the project and explains how to implement a Climate Curriculum in a primary school, using the Climate Curriculum Framework, together with an overview of Climate Change and a set of Big Ideas.